Saturday, November 17, 2012


by Hardy Mpanano

I came across this concept and couldn’t figure out what it meant. At first I thought about popping out of a big box to come up with some brilliant idea, but it definitely sounded weird. Thinking outside the box is a concept that means, according to Dustin wax, “conceptualizing problems differently; and understanding your position in relation to any particular situation in a way you’d never thought of before.”[1] Thinking outside the box is supposed to help us to handle and analyze a problem in a different and original way in order to find a solution that we wouldn’t have found by thinking as we usually do. How are we supposed to do that?
The concept of thinking outside the box is a metaphor. The box represents “constrained and unimaginative thinking”.[2] It pictures the limited and restricted area in which our mind analyzes problems. In fact, we think by considering the different data and knowledge we have accumulated all over the years. If we do not possess enough knowledge to deal with a problem, it becomes impossible to resolve it. Sometimes, the complexity of the knowledge goes beyond our capacity to understand it and then is required a new way to analyze it. Not only to resolve complex problems, but thinking outside the box is also supposed to enhance our creativity by considering approaches which are new to us and give us access to a different perspective of our surrounding. Thus, we can be innovative and broaden our capacity to come up with original ideas.

In order to be able to think outside the box we should be able, first to think differently and recognize that we are actually limited in a way or another since our mind is primarily set to think in one way, which is the one we have been taught. As a matter of fact, we should try leave the comfort of our world and venture in an unknown area supposed to enlarge our conception of the world. This experiment can be scary for most people who would never try to attempt new experiences or who are used to a fixed way to see the world. This lead to the second condition, which is not to be scare to take risks to think differently. Let’s think about it! Most of the people follow a certain pattern of rules they have been taught to apprehend any situation. To be successful and to step aside from the crowd, one should be able to be original and effective in a way no one could have though about. Examples of many successful business entrepreneurs demonstrate the benefit of being original and creative; values generally appreciated in our modern world.

In sum, thinking outside the box means to put ourselves in different physical or intellectual conditions where we can be able to transcend our current condition to consider new possibilities which open our eyes to a new reality.


[1] WAX, D. ( November, 6th), 11 Ways to Think Outside the Box, Retrieved November 15th,2012, from
[2] The phrase finder. (nd). Think outside the box. Retrieved November 15th,2012, from


  1. By Rahman Seker

    Hi Hardy,
    As you mention, people should know looking things from a different angle to overcome some problems. Also, develop empathy could be the best way to analyze some difficulties for people, and in this way people can imagine better life condition for human being.

    1. By Hardy

      Hi Rahman,
      Thanks for your comment and you're right to consider empathy as a way to view a problem differently. In the same way there many others possibilites to help one broaden his capacity to consider any situation in his life and find solutions to the most difficult problems.

  2. By Eva
    I think this new thinking mode that think outside the box is really useful for us but it is also diffcult to make it. In my own experience, I have never been to any other country before I came to America, so my thinking mode is always like Chinese common mode. However when I got here,I found much differences and these differences help me to solve some problems that trapped me for a long time.

    1. by Junyang

      "Chinese common mode" is a thinking pattern that is very prevalent and present in southern California, especially in the San Gabriel Valley. As a Chinese person, I think it is important to have the ability to temporarily abandon this thinking pattern to adapt to our new environments. Generally speaking, Chinese culture encourages a harmonious and uniform society, and American culture encourages independence and uniqueness.

  3. By Hardy,

    Eva, It is true to say that travelling open your mind to a different way to analyse the world we live in. Neveretheless, it is not the only way! Thinking outside the box means primarily means thinking differentely from the way you used to! ouc culture can be an obstacle, but it is not impossible to overcome it.

  4. By:Grace

    Hardy, thanks for your interesting essay. I really agree with you. Sometime people are trapped by their diffidence. Actually, if they can think in another they, they could get more. You are like my elementary teacher, because you always give us many useful suggestions. By the way, thanks for your method to enlarge vocabulary today.
