Thursday, November 15, 2012

By Rahman SEKER

Stress Management


Hi everybody. Today, I will inform you about how students relieve or minimize their stress. To begin with identify the sources of stress. Stress is your body's reaction to the demands of the world. Stressors are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress. (1) Researchers have demonstrated that there are two main types of stress. Your body responds to stressors differently depending on whether the stressor is new, it is acute stress or whether the stressor has been around for a longer time, it is chronic stress. Acute stress is also known as the fight-or-flight response and your body's immediate reaction to a significant threat, challenge or scare. The acute-stress response is immediate and intense, and in certain circumstances it can be thrilling. Examples of acute stressors include a job interview, a fender bender (small traffic accident) or an exhilarating ski run. A single episode of acute stress generally doesn't cause problems for healthy people. However, severe acute stress can cause mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and even physical difficulties such as a heart attack. The chronic stress response is much more subtle than is the acute-stress response, but the effects may be longer lasting and more problematic. This persistent stress can lead to health problems, such as headaches and insomnia. In addition, students should know their stressors which are divided into two groups. The first one is external exasperations. External stressors are events and situations that happen to you. Some examples of external stressors include: major life changes. These changes can be positive such as a new marriage, a planned pregnancy, a promotion or a new house they can be negative such as the death of a loved one or a divorce. Next, it is environment. Consider how you react to noises, such as a barking dog. Also, unpredictable event is that uninvited houseguests and family is play key role. For instance, conflict with mother. Then, workplace is common stressors at work include urgent deadlines and a demanding boss. The last one is social. Just think about going on a blind date and you probably start to sweat. Besides, internal irritations which means self-induced. Examples of internal stressors include fears are that fear of flying, fear of heights and fear of public speaking. Uncertainty is another internal irritation. For example, think about how you might react when waiting for the results of a medical test. The last one is beliefs. These might be attitudes, opinions or expectations such as make a plan for a perfect holiday. Moreover, (2) Squidoo argues that parents play an important role in the upbringing of children. Their constant support and motivation will help the students to face the challenges in their lives. Every parent should know how to reduce stress in children and help them overcome it. Nowadays lack of communication between parents and students are seen because of parents’ busy. If there is better interaction between students and parents, all problems can be settled amicably and rationally. Another important cause of stress is over expectation of parents. Parents have to be realistic in their expectations. Reachable goals should be given to students so that they do not crush under terrible pressure. Encouraging students to exercise regularly can help a lot to avoid stress. This will also improve their energy levels. You should not plan the studying activities and schedule for your child. Let the student will take this decision himself as he is the only one that knows how to plan the schedule and achieve best productivity. Finally, (3) according to Therese J. Borchord, 18 ways can be references to manage stress. Simplify, prioritize, use pencil, not pen, give away your cape, collaborate and cooperate, laugh, exercise, stop juggling, build boundaries, think globally, avoid stimulants and sugar, compare and despair, avoid negative people, sleep, categorize your problems, lower your standards, just say no and learn how to recharge.


  1. By Kayla
    Hi, Rahman. Thank you for wonderful article. I just needed to read it! What a good timing! It really helped me to rethink my stress. However, it was interesting that we should not use pen. I'll research a little bit about that. Anyway, thank you!

  2. By Rustam Rakhmetov
    Thank you Rahman for your nice article! I didn't know the classification of stress. I think it is useful to know thinks that can stress people. As for me, when I feel stressed I usually jogging or play soccer. This actions help me to express my negative emotions on soccer field or when I do physical exercises.

  3. By: Grace
    Hi,Rahman, thanks for your suggestions to manage stress. It is true that stress can cause many disease, although it can motivate us to improve sometimes. I usually express negative emotions by washing clothes, shopping or sleeping. Next time I think I would like to do exercises as you mentioned.
