Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

By Kayla
  Hello, everyone! Happy Halloween! Today, I want to introduce my experience at Halloween night. I went to my friend's house and enjoyed some traditional Halloween games, like creating Jack O'Lantern, bobbing an apple, and bite donut on a string. Also, we experienced decorating cookies, giving snacks to trick or treaters, and talking at the fire pit. Atmosphere at there was so comfortable that time passed very fast. I was really excited having conversations with people, hearing about their experiences, traditional events, churches, and..... everything!!
  Then, from now, I will talk about one of the games called "Bobbing the apple." We first put in water to the bucket until it gets full, and after that, we put in apples.
  It was a very delicious apple! This game has some story that because when we cut an apple in half, the seeds of an apple looks like a pentagram shape, so it was thought that the apple is a symbol of the manifestation that the marriage will come during this time of year. From this legend, the game, "bob the apple" came out. As an every year celebration, young unmarried people tried to bite a floating apple, and the first person who bites will be the next person to marry. Moreover, a woman who got the apple places her apple under a pillow, it is said that she will dream her future lover.
  Unfortunately, When I know about this story, it was too late that I already ate the apple! I wanted to meet my future lover. Before dreaming I have to wish for somebody is there though!
  Last, do you know about Jack O’Lantern? I was wondering why we crave a pumpkin in Halloween, so I tell the story in case somebody who doesn’t know. Jack O’Lantern came from a man who was called “Stingy Jack.” One day, he invited a Devil to have a drink with him. However, he didn’t want to pay for it, so he asked to the devil to turn in a coin, so that he could pay for their drinks. After the devil did so, he put in that coin into his pocket next to a silver cross. The devil deal with him that the devil won’t bother him for one year, and won’t claim for his soul to go back to the original devil. Next year, Jack tricked the devil again to make a tree so that he could take a piece of fruit. While he was climbing the tree, he craved the cross into the tree, and makes the devil to promise not to bother him ten more years. However, after Jack died, for sure God won’t allowed him to came to the heaven, and the devil was also upset about his tricks, so he kept his word of not claiming his soul, so he couldn’t get in the hell either. The devil sent Jack off into a dark night and gave him only a burning coal to light his way, and he’s still walking around the earth. The Irish began to call him as “Jack of the Lantern”, and it simply got “Jack O’Lantern.”
  How was the story? I hope you all had a happy Halloween. If you experienced other games, please talk about it! I want to hear what everyone had done!
  Thank you for reading! J


  1. By Rustam Rkhmetov

    Thanks Kayla for your story! Fist I want to emphasize that you did very good job! I think your writing is improving from the beginning your first your blog. Moreover, the story is very exiting! I really realized myself in house where you was with you friend. I want to try the game you played with your friends and I hope to spend the best Halloween in my life next year! Last Halloween was not so happy for me. It was usual day for me because in my country we do not have this holyday. And I know nothing about this day. I think next time I do better because your story exited me so much!

    1. By Kayla
      Thank you, Rustam! I'm wholeheartedly glad to hear your comment! Also, I should invited you!:( There was an extra space, and I was calling my best friends and people I was attracted, I mean, people who have interests in the U.S.! However, I thought you are homestay, so I gave up inviting you.:'( ohhhhh, I should invited you!LOL Maybe I'll tell you a later event!

  2. By Hardy

    I am really impressed by the number of legends behind each activity on Halloween. Stories of ghosts, and now a story of a man who duped a devil. The legend of bobbing the apple seems more fun though. That will make you sleep with an apple under your pillow. Sorry you ate your apple too early!

  3. by Junyang Wu

    I have always enjoyed Halloween. Thank you for educating us about the stories behind the activities. I have always participated in some of the festivities, but I never really understood what was behind it. I knew it was fun and a way to experience American culture.
