Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Benefits of Books


What gift will you choose for your friend’s birthday? That is a big problem for some people. But I have never been bothered by this question. I always buy different kinds of books for my different friends. Why do I choose this way? You may wonder. I am found of this way for books have many profits.  

First of all, “books are the stepping stones to human progress.”  In other words, book is one of the significant ways to spread and create knowledge. This affect acts on both individual and country. I can think of no better illustration than the following ones.

It is said that children say anything they want because being short of reading. Thinking about your brothers and sisters in your family, you will be amazed of their get great important changes when they enter school. You may wonder that why your sisters or brothers become to adult suddenly. The reason is that they come into contact with books in school. Books make potential influences on children’s growth. 

Another example is the well-known great calamity of culture in Qin dynasty of China. The dominator burned books and buried scholars to stop the progress of Confucianism, for this thought departed from his rules. The dominator buried Confucian books for fear Confucianism expanded. Although this measure brought temporary stability to the country, it also cased a pity of human progress. Obviously, books also have potential effects on the development of society.

These cases effectively clarify that book plays an important role of promoting the improvement of knowledge.

Furthermore, reading books is a fashion way to pass time. It has becoming an indispensable part of most people’s life. And it is wise to reading books instead of surfing online in spare time. Reading books has much more values than playing computer games or chatting online at least.

If we look around, we often find a lot of friends wasting time online all day long. At the same time, too much attention to Internet distracts their concerns to the real world. Books are good gifts for your friends who are indulging in Internet.

Last but not least, the kinds of books are various. According to the recent survey by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, there are billions of new books are published every year. If you have time to go to bookstore, you will be surprised that you can find out all books that you imagine. Whatever style your friends like, literature, geography, history, biology, astronomy, or other styles, they can find the books they want

As has been mentioned, books have so many profits: they boost knowledge’s development, help us pass time in a valued way, and create chances for us to choose easily.

I believe that the problem of choosing gifts for you will not trouble you after reading this essay. When your friends’ birthdays come, you can give them books as gifts. This measure will please both your friends and you.


  1. By Rahman Seker

    There is no doubt that reading book is very important to broaden people's horizons. That is to say they have a big chance to look at things from a different angle. People can learn more and more thanks to books. I would like to congratulate you because of your brillant idea.

  2. By Will

    I agree with your opinion that reading book is necessary to everyone.Because it is a way to gain more knowledge.But i think sometimes surf on the internet is also a good way to collect more information and get news on time.

  3. By Kayla

    I agree that books has a power to effect children. However, I think that it doesn't always effect in good way. Did you know that there's some gender problem in children books? For example, you know that there's a book which have so many picture and less words. As everyone experienced, picture gives many ideas, or creates ideas inside the brain. I think most books has warm family pictures, so imagine the picture of a family, parent and a kid. What are they doing? whose doing what? I think most of books or things you imaged are maybe, mother doing cooking or doing some housework with apron on, and father went to business, and a child in the school or home or somewhere. Did you imaged father doing housework with apron on? Did you imaged mother going to a work? I don't know but most of Japanese children answers the first image. Isn't this funny? My friend researched about the picture book and interviewed children in kindergarden(?) and let them draw a picture. When they draw a picture of parents, mother was wearing an apron which includes the meaning of houseworks. So I agree that reading books are good for learning things, but I think they sometimes give too much infomation.

  4. By Hardy

    "Tell me what you read I'll tell you who you are". This is a proverb that explains how deep can be the influence of books in one's life. Tones of secrets are kept in books and to possessingthem is just a matter of giving some time to reading them.
    Thanks Grace, know I know what kind of gift I should get for my friends' birthdays.

  5. by Jungyang

    Don't forget the book burning of our Chairman Mao. Good thing Taiwan took some of those books and saved it. I do agree that books are a great stepping stone for knowledge, but it is also important to look at the context of a book. For example, North Korea has newly released books about how Japan, and China are stockpiling arms for the war against the United States.

    Grace, thank you for the gift idea; I think I know a friend who would enjoy a North Korean war book.
